Kate Ellison
Kate Ellison has been an eco-feminist since the 1970s when she realized that the future could be defined by food and water shortages, with only those who could pay a steep price having clean water to drink or healthy food. Solutions come from gender-balanced organizations that emphasize feminist principles of cooperation, listening, equal participation, and protection for the natural environment. She lives in an intentional community based on these values, and has studied Permaculture and Non-Violent Communication.
From 2010-2014 she served on the board of directors of Protect Gainesville’s Citizens, a non-profit organization funded by the US EPA to assist the community in understanding and participating in the remediation of the Cabot-Koppers Superfund Site and Stephen Foster Neighborhood in NW Gainesville. She also participated in Citizens Against Phosphate Mining in North Central Florida starting in spring 2016.
Current Organizational Affiliations: Vice Chair, Melrose Business and Community Association; Chair, Bradford Democratic Executive Committee; Treasurer, Democratic Women’s Club of the Lakes Area, Secretary, Florida Coalition for Peace and Justice; Board member, Concerned Citizens of Bradford County. Member of NARAL Pro-Choice America, NAACP, Southern Poverty Law Center, Sierra Club, Defenders of the Environment, and Santa Fe Lake Dwellers Association.

Paul Still
Paul Still received a BA with a major in biology and a minor in Chemistry from Blackburn College, Carlinville, Illinois, in 1968. He received a PhD in Plant Pathology from the University of Wisconsin Madison in 1973. He has done research and/or taught at the USDA NRRL in Peoria Il, 1973-1975, University of Papua New Guinea 1975-1977, German Meat Research Laboratory 1977-1978, University of Wisconsin Food Research Institute 1978-1979, University of Florida Chemistry Department 1979-1981 and University of Florida Plant Pathology Department 1981 to 1990. From 1990 to 1996 he was a non-tenured faculty member at the Florida Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management and TREEO Center at the University of Florida. At the TREEO Center he did solid and hazardous waste management training, evaluated research proposals, managed research contracts, evaluated research project reports, did research dealing with composting in schools and on farms and developed the methodology for estimating the amount of litter along Florida highways. While at TREEO he also conducted solid waste management training in Poland. He took early retirement from the Florida Retirement System in 1996.Paul Still served as a volunteer solid waste management consultant for ACDI/VOCA (Agricultural Cooperative Development International)/ (Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance) in Bolivia from September 14 to October 11, 1997.
He has also been a Florida Lake Watch volunteer for over 15 years and monitors Lakes Sampson and Rowell. Paul Still was the President of Florida Recycling and Composting Consulting Services Inc. from 1988 until 2014. He developed and managed curbside and business recycling for the cities of Newberry and Archer, developed home composting systems, and did consulting work related to the reuse of materials received at household hazardous waste collection events. In 2001 he received a $75,000 USDA SBIR grant to develop mowing equipment for small tract forestry operations. In 2005 he received a $75,000 USDA SBIR grant to develop a herbicide applicator that fits on the handles of a lopper and allows herbicide to be applied to woody plant stems cut with the lopper.
Still was a Supervisor for the Bradford Soil and Water Conservation District (BSWCD) from 2006 to 2010, and 2014 to 2018 and served as that District’s Administrator from 2010 to 2014 and 2018. He was the project manager and volunteer for two National Fish and Wildlife Foundation PTI grants awarded to the BSWCD in 2008 and 2011. With PTI funds, he led the organization of the North Central Florida Invasive Species Management Area and mapped and treated invasive plants in North Central Florida. As a BSWCD Supervisor he has been involved in various Water Management District advisory groups providing input to the planning of northeast Florida’s water supply.
Still has been involved in silviculture since moving to Florida in 1979. He managed 80 acres of pines he hand planted on his property near Newberry, FL. In 1996 he began managing the 117 acre property in Bradford County on the west side of Lake Sampson where he lives with Kathy Still. Cypress and long leaf and slash pines were planted on the property. Mowing and herbicides were used for site preparation. Herbicides are used to control invasive and competing plants. Fire and mowing are used to control understory and midstory plants. Ditch plugs are used to return water to wetlands that had been drained.
Paul Still has used the Florida Administraive Hearing Process to active modifications to environmental permits , rules and agency actions.

Carol Mosley
Carol Mosley is a Social Ecologist, freelance writer, and homesteader. Her Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies and minor in Sociology came from Florida International University in Miami. She is a former Coordinator of Nature Studies at Miami Dade College Env. Center’s Kendall Campus.